Hello! I'm a stay at home mom to 5 children. 2 girls (Caitlin 12, Autumn 3) and 3 boys(Jonathan 11, Brenden 6, Jeremy 4), 3 dogs(RJ, Hershey, Coco), and a cat(Kitty), oh and a hubby.
Jonathan was hanging out in his room and I came up behind him and took his picture. The 1st pic had him hiding his face with a paper but I finally talked him into giving me a smile.
Jeremy just being Jeremy. He was playing with his toy car. I wish he wouldn't have rubbed under his nose so hard when he was sick because he still had the redness in the pic.
After school I was able to get all the boys together for a picture. It was school spirit day so they had to wear blue and gold. Jeremy was the odd one out and would not wear the colors but look at those SMILES!
Caitlin posing with her Kitty after school. I tried getting Autumn in there but she wasn't having any of it because now she is not feeling well. One gets better then another gets sick.
Caitlin dressed up as Joan Jett for celebrity day at school.Her wig kept puffing out and I had to keep putting hair spray on it to stay LOL. It's hard to see in this picture but she wore my, what I call hooker boots with high heels to school all day. Luckily she had no incidents.
PEEK-A-BOO I SEE YOU! Yes this is my Christmas tree box and she is in it with the tree. I've had it down since right after Christmas but for some reason it's not made it back into the shed. I'll blame that on the hubby.
Autumn playing with the cars on the car carpet. You can see she had dressed herself today and wouldn't let me fix her shirt. She thinks it's cool for the tag to be in front.
Jeremy placed all the cars there but was not really playing. He isn't feeling well though.
This is my oldest daughter Caitlin. I took a picture of her playing the drums on Rock Band. She loves the drums and one day I might just have to buy her a real set. She was giving me that look, you know the one that says " Come on mom don't take a picture of me"
Jonathan received some K'nex building blocks for Christmas this year. He has enjoyed playing and building all sorts or things. I'm pretty amazed at what his mind comes up with and that he can build them so well.
These are just 2 of Jonathan's creations. One is a glider plane and the other is a jet ski.
I took a picture of Autumn right after she finished playing with her v-smile art studio. She loves this thing and was excited to show me what she had colored.